1) The personal information provided by customers to PROVSUL is restricted for use by PROVSUL.
2) The client guarantees the veracity of the data provided to PROVSUL, as well as their updating whenever there is any modification.
3) PROVSUL will not disclose information about its clients, only disclosing them to third parties with the authorization of their holders, unless it is obliged to do so by court order or in strict compliance with the law.
4) PROVSUL may offer options for automatic registration on partner sites. By making this type of option, the customer will be authorizing the transfer of his registration data to this partner. PROVSUL will not be responsible for how the partner will use the registration data transferred to him.
5) The PROVSUL portal and the sites it hosts offer links to third-party pages on the Internet. PROVSUL is not responsible for the privacy politic practiced by these hosted websites and by the websites accessed through said links.
6) The PROVSUL website and the websites hosted on its servers may eventually record data files on client computers called "cookies". By means of "cookies", PROVSUL's automated systems, as well as those of the owners of the hosted websites, can identify their visitors, customize their website's opening page or inhibit the display of previously viewed messages.
7) The customer has the option of configuring his browser to be notified of the receipt of "cookies" and to prevent their installation. The instructions for this configuration are present in the manuals and menu of the browsers themselves. Blocking "cookies" may harm navigation and the use of certain functions.
8) PROVSUL warns that chat rooms, forums and other public areas of interactivity cannot be controlled by its Privacy Policy and, therefore, advises against the disclosure of personal data in these areas.


PROVSUL does not authorize the use of its computer networks for the following purposes:

1) transmit or disseminate threats, child pornography, racist, discriminatory or any other material that violates the legislation in force in Brazil;
2) propagate computer viruses or any computer program that may cause permanent or temporary damage to third party equipment;
3) transmit types or amounts of data that may cause failures in services or equipment on PROVSUL's or third parties' network;
4) use computers or the computer network of PROVSUL to carry out unauthorized information collection (SCAN) on the computer network of PROVSUL or third parties;
5) use of PROVSUL's computer network for the transit of email messages with invalid or altered headers, in order to make it difficult or prevent the identification of their origin, or messages sent through email servers of third parties, without the authorization of the respective responsible parties (relaying);
6) use the network to attempt and/or perform unauthorized access to communication, information or computing devices;
7) use of PROVSUL's computers and computer networks to collect the email addresses of its customers.
8) forge Internet addresses of machines, networks or electronic mail, in an attempt to hold third parties accountable or hide identity or authorship;
9) destroy or corrupt data and information of third parties;
10) violate the privacy of others;
11) distribute, via electronic mail, discussion groups, forums and similar forms of communication, unsolicited 'chain chain' messages and mass messages, commercial or otherwise (see AntiSPAM Policy);
12) send a large amount of identical messages to the same recipient via email (mail bombing);
13) transmit, distribute or store materials protected by copyright or any other intellectual property rights;
14) any other uses that violate current legislation in Brazil.

Violation of these rules may result in temporary suspension or cancellation of services provided, in addition to other necessary measures, including, but not limited to, data removal, server deactivation and filter implementation.
Obeying the practices defined for the Internet, the CONTACT link will serve as a channel for complaining about abusive practices coming from PROVSUL's computer network. People who feel harmed by data packets coming from our network must report the practice by sending an email to these addresses with detailed information, including computer records (logs), about the abusive practice.


PROVSUL does not authorize the use of its computer networks to send unsolicited email messages (“SPAM”).

The following practices will be considered abusive:
1) transmit any volume of unsolicited emails to a group of people;
2) transmit repeated, unsolicited messages sequentially for intrusive purposes;
3) send or resend chain letters;
4) offer, make available or sell, for any purpose, a list of electronic addresses;
5) use of PROVSUL's computer network for the transit of email messages with invalid or altered headers, in order to make it difficult or prevent the identification of their origin, or messages sent through email servers of third parties, without the authorization of the respective responsible parties (relaying);
6) sending email messages to PROVSUL's customers, in violation of PROVSUL's Security Policy and/or Privacy Policy;
7) use of PROVSUL's computers and computer networks to collect the email addresses of its customers.

PROVSUL reserves the right to adopt all possible technical measures to avoid the use of its computer network for sending SPAM, including, but not limited to, blocking email senders or servers. mail from other domains, for as long as it deems necessary, or until those responsible for the domain in question have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of PROVSUL, the adoption of effective preventive measures against the sending of SPAM.
PROVSUL may take all appropriate legal measures to prevent the sending of SPAM to its customers, the transit or storage of SPAM in PROVSUL's equipment, as well as the improper use of its computer network.
Violation of these rules may result in temporary suspension or cancellation of services provided.
Obeying the practices defined for the Internet, the CONTACT link will serve as a channel for complaining about SPAM practices coming from PROVSUL's computer network. People who feel harmed by receiving SPAM from our network must denounce the practice, also forwarding the information contained in the SPAM header.


The LGPD (General Data Protection Law), Law 13.709/2018, already in force in Brazil since September 2020, was created to establish important guidelines on the collection, processing and storage of personal data, was inspired by GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, created in the European Union and which brought great impacts to companies and consumers.

Our site respects the confidentiality of your information and guarantees that your data will not be made available, transferred or sold to third parties.

All information provided on our website is for exclusive use for the procedure for providing the services offered, personalization, facilitation and is not made available to third parties. The data provided is automatically recorded in our database and stored in total security without human intervention.

The emails and telephone numbers available are used only for contacts regarding the dealings carried out on our website. With prior authorization from customers, we send administrative and/or informational emails.

There is no storage of information that is not necessary for the effective provision of services. The use of the CPF/CNPJ is required by law to adhere to the service provision agreement, issue invoices and issue collection slips.

The passwords provided in our database are archived in an encrypted way, allowing only the owner of the register to have knowledge.

Our site uses SSL-Security Certificate (). Through it, all information transmitted over the internet is encrypted.

This is a 100% secure site and uses Cookies technology just to make it easier at the time of negotiations. The purpose of the Cookie is to customize your navigation on the website as much as possible, allowing greater ease and agility in access.


Seeking even more security for the services provided by PROVSUL, we inform you that we have implemented a politic for the use of passwords in email accounts, therefore some rules must be followed, namely:

1) Contain at least 8 characters;
2) At least one lowercase letter;
3) At least one capital letter;
4) At least one digit;
5) At least one special character: @ ^ ? ~ , * . #$! –=&()_.
6) It cannot begin or end with special characters;
7) It cannot contain a username or domain name;
8) It cannot appear in lists of known passwords available on the internet, as they are considered weak.

These precautions make it more difficult to discover a password, helping to keep your accounts safe and prevent the service from being used by third parties for malicious purposes, which could even impact the performance of the services.

An eight-character password with numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters has 30,000 more combinations than an eight-character password with only lowercase letters.

When accessing the new webmail, the system will perform a check to identify whether the password used complies with the rules above and/or is considered vulnerable through comparison with a hash base of the most common passwords.

For email accounts that have vulnerable passwords, you will be asked to change them through the tool itself (webmail).

PROVSUL is not aware of the passwords used in the email accounts of its users, given the encryption used and stored securely.


Legal or Individual (over 18 years of age), hereinafter referred to as CLIENT, registered through a specific form on the website or by telephone, whose information provided will be their sole responsibility.

PROVSUL-PROVEDOR DE SERVIÇOS WEB, headquartered in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, registered with the CNPJ under No. 12.015.385/0001-40, by its legal representative, hereinafter referred to as PROVSUL.

SITE TO BE HOSTED: Domain name informed by the CLIENT upon registration.

1.1 – The purpose of this Agreement is the provision of hosting services for the CLIENT's website, in accordance with the specifications and limits of the plan chosen by the CLIENT.
1.2 – Upon contracting, the CLIENT must choose the plan, always on a monthly basis. A description of the plans offered by PROVSUL is available on the website or by telephone.
1.2.1 – In addition to the specific features of each plan, the CLIENT may contract, at any time, optional services offered by PROVSUL, as long as they are compatible with the plan chosen by the CLIENT.

2 – TERM
2.1 – This Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period.

3.1 – The first payment will imply the ADMISSION and ACCEPTANCE of the contract conditions, as well as the confirmation of the contracted plan, the frequency and the chosen payment method and the registered information. The date of this payment will mark the initial term of the contract.
3.2 – For the provision of hosting services, within the limits and specifications defined in each plan, the CLIENT will pay PROVSUL the amount provided for in the HOSTING table, according to the payment plan option, plus the bank fee for issuing the slip. (see clause 3.4)
3.3 – The contracted services must be paid by the CLIENT, subject to the limitations established for each plan, always in advance.
3.4 - Payments will be made in advance and can only be made through bank slips and the due date can be set for the 5th (five), 10th (tenth), 15th (fifteenth) or 20th (twenty) of the month.
3.5 – The first installment, charged together with the membership fee, will be calculated as described below:
(a) payment frequency will always be monthly;
(b) when the contract is carried out until the 20th (twentieth) day of a given month, the amounts to be paid will be calculated pro rata die;
(c) when the contract is carried out from the 21st (twenty-first) day of a given month, the amounts to be paid will be calculated pro rata die, plus the amount corresponding to the monthly fee for the subsequent month.
3.6 - The delay or absence of the payment agreed herein will result in a fine of 10% (ten percent), in addition to default interest of 1% per month and monetary restatement according to the variation of the IGPM/FGV or IPCA/ IBGE (the largest), to be calculated pro rata die on the amount of the debt and, also, will give rise to the suspension of the provision of services, regardless of notification, until the CLIENT fully settles its debt.
3.7 - The value of the contracted services will be readjusted automatically and immediately with the shortest period allowed by law, according to the variation of the IGPM/FGV or IPCA/IBGE (the highest) regardless of any possible impediment such as civil public disorder of the entire order, revolutions, wars, climate catastrophes, epidemics, pandemics and the like.
3.7.1 – If the IGPM/FGV and IPCA/IBGE are extinguished, the index that legally replaces it will be automatically applied. In the event of its extinction, or the extinction of its substitutes, the then-current index that, at PROVSUL's discretion, best reflects inflation will be used.
3.8 – The values indicated in the WEB HOSTING table include taxes levied on the provision of services, revenue and/or billing. If new taxes are created, and also, if the current tax rates are modified, or if the tax authorities give a new interpretation to the collection of taxes, or if, in any way, PROVSUL's burdens are increased or reduced, said amounts will be immediately adjusted to reflect such changes. Any differences resulting from this adjustment must be settled in a period not exceeding 30 (thirty) days from the date on which the price adjustment occurs.
3.9 – The values indicated in the WEB HOSTING table vary according to the space and transfer limits established in each plan.
3.9.1 – From the moment of joining the service, measurements will be made of the space and transfer used monthly by the CLIENT, with the eventual exception of pro rata die usage corresponding to the initial contracting period.
3.10 – For the provision of optional services, the CLIENT will pay PROVSUL the amount previously established in the form and frequency at the time of contracting the same.
3.11 - The contracting of optional services with amounts below the limits established in the plan chosen by the CLIENT will not, under any circumstances, be compensated in subsequent periods, which is why partial payment of amounts corresponding to the provision of the service will not be accepted. service.
3.12 - The absence or delay in receiving the billing instrument (bank slip) by the due date, will not exempt the CLIENT from the payment obligation, and the CLIENT must request the 2nd copy of the billing, under penalty of being characterized as default, subjecting the CLIENT to the sanctions provided for in this Agreement.

4.1 - Without prejudice to the other obligations set forth in this instrument, it will be up to the CLIENT to comply with the provisions set forth below, under penalty of immediate suspension of services, regardless of any formalities, prior notifications, etc., without any cost to PROVSUL:
4.1.1 – Pay in advance the amounts established in the WEB HOSTING table, corresponding to the chosen plan, according to the contracted payment method.
4.1.2 - Provide valid and true information upon registration and always keep the registered information updated, which will be used for contact between PROVSUL and the CLIENT, including with regard to requests such as replacing the administration password and access to the site, the CLIENT assuming full responsibility for any damages arising from non-compliance with said obligation.
4.1.3 - PROVSUL does not have access or any form of control, inspection or follow-up of the content and data transmitted or stored by the CLIENT, who is solely responsible for any placements, including those of an illegal, immoral or unethical nature, perhaps made on the site.
4.1.4 – Use the services provided by PROVSUL in the manner established in this Agreement and under the terms of the law, further committing to:
(a) not to practice, by itself or third parties, acts that violate the law, morals and good customs, or that are harmful, affect or harm the rights of third parties, including internet users, including, but not limited to , patent, copyright and/or intellectual property laws;
(b) not to transmit or store, by itself or third parties, with or without lucrative ends, illegal, immoral or unethical content.
4.1.5 – Do not intercept or monitor any material from the PROVSUL network that is not expressly addressed to it.
4.1.6 – Do not transmit over the network, internal and/or external, any illegal, malicious or threatening program or application, including viruses, worms, spam, or any other similar nature that PROVSUL, at its exclusive discretion, check and judge as being in disagreement with its internal politic, available on its website.
4.1.7 – Do not store or use content or programs that, at PROVSUL's discretion, may harm the functioning of the infrastructure used to provide PROVSUL's services, including the operating system and server applications.
4.1.8 – Verify the origin of programs or files and decide whether or not to download or send them, being your sole responsibility for the risk of virus contamination existing in said operation.
4.1.9 – Do not exceed the amount of storage space, as well as not transfer or allow data to be transferred through the hosted site, in a volume greater than that established in the contracted plan. – If the usage limits established for the contracted plan are exceeded, the excess data will be subject to loss without recovery conditions.
4.1.10 – Be responsible for all activities related to the programming and operation of the site, except for those demonstrably inherent to PROVSUL due to the provision of services contracted herein.
4.1.11 - Keep PROVSUL harmless and safe from any judicial or administrative proceeding, resulting from the breach of the CLIENT's obligations established in this Agreement, also being responsible for the reimbursement of any expenses proven to be incurred by PROVSUL in its defense of referred procedures.
4.1.12 – Be responsible for the registration of the domain to be hosted before the competent body, including with regard to registration and maintenance costs.

5.1 - Without prejudice to the other obligations set forth in this instrument, PROVSUL will be responsible for complying with the provisions set forth below:
5.1.1 – Provide the service object of this Agreement in accordance with the specifications and limits of the plan contracted by the CLIENT.
5.1.2 – Make every effort necessary to maintain the efficiency of the infrastructure shared by its CLIENTS, adopting all necessary measures to avoid any damage to the functioning of the service.
5.1.3 – Provide technical support to the CUSTOMER consisting of configuration information for publishing pages, reading and sending emails. – Telephone support available to the CUSTOMER, which will be from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, from Monday to Friday (except holidays) or through the email
5.1.4 – Inform the CLIENT 3 (three) days in advance about the interruptions necessary for technical adjustments or maintenance that require more than 3 (three) hours in duration and that may cause damage to the operability of the contracted service. The maintenance to be reported are solely and exclusively those that interfere with the operation of the hosted site. – The interruption foreseen in the previous clause will be carried out, preferably, in a period not exceeding 3 (three) hours, between 24:00 and 06:00. - Emergency maintenance is exempt from the application of the above devices, in order to understand those necessary for the solution of events that jeopardize the regular functioning of the shared infrastructure or represent a risk to the security of all CLIENTS, in as a result of vulnerabilities detected by PROVSUL. – Interruptions for maintenance in the provision of ancillary services are also exempt from the provisions above, such as, for example, the reporting service that does not imply damage to the operation of the site, interruptions that will last for the time necessary for the solution of the irregularities detected, not being able, however, to exceed the period of 30 (thirty) consecutive days.
5.1.5 – Inform the CLIENT of any damage caused by the CLIENT due to the use of programs and/or content stored on its website.
5.1.6 – Maintain the availability of the hosted site at 99.5% (ninety-nine point five percent) of the time.
5.1.7 - Provide proportional discounts, in the event of interruptions whose duration causes the above guaranteed availability percentage not to be reached, provided that said interruptions are notified to PROVSUL by the CLIENT, within a period of up to 7 (seven) days , counted from the date of occurrence. - For the purposes of the discount, interruptions occurring under the terms of clause 5.1.4 above, as well as those resulting from action or omission by the CLIENT, acts of God or force majeure events, causes that are outside the PROVSUL's control capacity, such as failure in the connection provided by the telecommunication service provider.
5.1.8 – Carry out and maintain, for a period of 7 (seven) days, the backup of the information of the entire hosting environment, without differentiating the customers, which will be treated in an integral and indivisible way. – The use of backup constitutes PROVSUL's exclusive prerogative to guarantee the restoration of customer data, the eventual loss of which results from failure in the provision of the service by PROVSUL. The restoration will be treated in an integral and indivisible way.

6.1 – This Agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party, upon prior notice of 30 (thirty) days in relation to the service interruption.
6.2 – This Agreement will be terminated by operation of law, regardless of any notification, in the following cases:
(a) declaration of bankruptcy or civil insolvency of either party;
(b) if it is determined, by the Public Power, its agents and/or whoever performs repairs on the property where the infrastructure used to provide services by PROVSUL is located that cannot be carried out without loss of continuity in the provision of services contracted herein;
(c) in the event of expropriation of the property where the IHC is located, orders, prohibitions or other acts issued by the Government, its agents and/or whoever acts in their place;
(d) for reasons of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure that make it impossible to continue providing the service.
6.3 – This Agreement may be terminated by PROVSUL, at its sole discretion and upon simple notification with immediate effect to the CLIENT, in the following cases:
(a) if PROVSUL is aware that the CLIENT is performing any act in breach of the obligations assumed in this Agreement, in particular those established in clause 4 and its sub-items.
(b) absence or delay by the CLIENT in fulfilling payment obligations for a period exceeding 15 (fifteen) days from the due date.
6.3.1 – At PROVSUL's discretion, instead of sending a notification with immediate effect to the CLIENT, PROVSUL may notify the CLIENT, granting it a specified period for correcting the irregularity. While the correction of the irregularity is provided, PROVSUL reserves the right to suspend the provision of services. After the period granted and the irregularity not remedied, this Agreement will be terminated by operation of law.
6.4 – This Agreement may be terminated by the CLIENT, at its sole discretion and upon simple notification with immediate effect to PROVSUL, in the event of non-compliance with the obligations assumed in this Agreement, in particular those established in clause 5 and its sub-items.
6.5 – The termination of the Contract, in any case, is subject to the CLIENT paying off all the amounts corresponding to the contracted services.
6.6 – Termination of the Agreement, in any event, will result in the removal of data stored on the hosted website, with no possibility of recovery.

7.1 – Once the suspension of services has been carried out, for any of the reasons provided for in this Agreement, the CLIENT will be informed of the reasons that led to said suspension, and a specified period will be granted to remedy the irregularity. The reconnection will only be carried out after confirmation by PROVSUL of the regularization.
7.1.1 – At the discretion of PROVSUL, the reconnection of the service may still be conditioned to the payment of a fee provided for in the WEB HOSTING table.
7.2 - The absence of regularization by the CLIENT within the period granted, will characterize the termination of the Contract, under the terms of item 6.4.
7.3 – Under no circumstances may the period of suspension of services be compensated for in future charges or computed for purposes of discounts.

8.1 – To ensure the optimal functioning of the infrastructure used to provide services by PROVSUL and preventing its customers from being harmed by problems arising from a certain website hosted on the same server, PROVSUL is hereby authorized to enable or disable commands and /or change the server configuration when necessary for its optimal functioning, in addition to the other preventive measures contained in this Agreement.

9.1 – PROVSUL maintains in use and makes available to the CLIENT an antivirus program for the treatment of files transmitted in the EMAIL service, however, said antivirus does not represent full protection for the CLIENT, and there may always be unknown viruses and/or antivirus program crashes.
9.2 – Under no circumstances will PROVSUL be liable for any damage resulting from the CLIENT's decision to download and/or send programs and files via the Internet that may be contaminated by any type of electronic virus.

10.1 - The passwords that allow access to the content and administration (programming and changes) of the hosted site will be sent, via email, only once, to the person in charge indicated by the CLIENT at the time of contracting.
10.2 – It is the CLIENT's sole and exclusive responsibility for the use of passwords by anyone other than the person indicated in the contracting act, since PROVSUL does not have any interference with the use of the password initially provided.
10.3 – The replacement of passwords will only be attended to by PROVSUL upon presentation by the applicant of the information that proves its legitimacy to carry out the request. After confirming the information registered by the CLIENT, PROVSUL will send the new password to the registered "email".

11.1 – If the CLIENT is not the owner of the domain of the website hosted before the competent registration body, he declares, under the penalties of civil and criminal law, to maintain a valid contractual legal relationship with the legitimate owner of the domain or to be duly authorized by him to host the website in its own name.

12.1 – In the event of delay in the payment of any amount arising from the provision of contracted services, the CLIENT expressly authorizes PROVSUL to inform said default to the credit protection agencies.

13.1 – For the purposes of this Agreement, notifications to the CLIENT are considered to be correspondence (including emails) sent to the address or fax number included in the CLIENT's registration. In this act, the CLIENT expressly authorizes PROVSUL to send said notifications by email.
13.2 – For the purposes of this Agreement, notifications to PROVSUL are considered to be correspondence (including emails) sent to the address or fax number published on the website, or sent by email to the address

14.1 – Although PROVSUL does not have access or any form of control, inspection or monitoring of the content and data transmitted or stored by the CLIENT on the hosted website, both parties undertake not to disclose to third parties any confidential information of the other party that they may become aware of as a result of the provision of the contracted service.
14.1.1 – For the purposes of the provisions of this Agreement, the following shall not be confidential in nature:
(a) information that is normally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure and breach of confidentiality of this Agreement;
(b) information that is available to that party, on a non-confidential basis, from an independent source;
(c) information that has been independently obtained or developed by that party without breach of this Agreement;
(d) information that must be provided to a governmental or judicial authority, in accordance with applicable law.

15.1 – The parties elect the Central Forum of the Judicial District of Rio de Janeiro, to resolve any controversy arising from this contract, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be.

Rio de Janeiro-RJ, January 02, 2002.

PROVSUL - Provedor de Serviços WEB - All rights reserved © 2002 -
All content on this site is for the exclusive use of PROVSUL
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